About Us

Thursday November 26, 2015


FinalThe greatest knowledge resides in the minds of those that are practicing cutting-edge management techniques, developing novel approaches to business problems, or taking decisions that affect businesses and societal outcomes. IMA’s Conferences and Roundtables aim to bring these individuals together in an ongoing effort to discover new insight and generate fresh perspectives.

 Our meetings are designed to facilitate intellectual exchanges within a peer audience of pioneers, business leaders and other decision makers. Ranging from half-day workshops to 3-day offsite initiatives, our conferences are uniformly driven by intensely-researched agendas, carefully selected audiences, closed-door discussions, and authoritative speakers and panellists. To maintain a senior and serious audience, we receive invited guests only and also levy a fee for participation.

 IMA’s calendar of conferences includes The Annual CEO Roundtable (now in its 19th year), The Annual CFO Roundtable (now in its 20th year), The Annual CFO Strategy Roundtable (now in its 10th year), and a number of other function-specific or sector-focussed conferences.

For businesses that seek a senior corporate audience and have intellectual value to offer, IMA India conferences present ideal sponsorship platforms. Unique opportunities to establish thought-leadership and build a professional network within a senior audience, have attracted some of the best known companies to associate with our meetings.

 Partner with IMA for a off-site conference and reach out to the leading CXO's of India.   Write to us   to know more about our partner programmes.