IMA Content

Monday February 3, 2020

Peer Group Forums

A top-level business information and advisory service, The CXO Forum is our apex country offering. The forum currently encompasses 1200+ corporations drawn from a cross-section of industry. Membership is corporate and by invitation only. It comprises closed-door business meetings on a variety of issues – operational or policy related – hosted for our clients, approximately once every six weeks in each of the cities of Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune. Highly interactive, sessions debate topical issues relevant to top management interested in gaining a continuous and ongoing assessment of India as an operating environment. All meetings are qualitatively documented and members are sent high-quality conclusions papers for use as reference documents. The meetings are supported by extensive and regular updates on the economic, business and political front in India as well as across the Asia Pacific and in the world.



Closed-door briefings on economic, business and management issues

4-8 sessions a year across 6 cities

Discussions led by authoritative speakers

Access to videos and session summaries


Updates on economic and political issues

Insights on management and business issues

Strong in-house editorial and research capabilities

Preferential pricing on all paid reports

600+ Members
600+ Members
350+ Members
150+ Members